Zero-Waste Stores: The Ultimate Destination for Sustainable Shopping

Table of Contents

What are zero-waste online stores?

What are examples of waste products?

What are the benefits of zero-waste shops?

How to shop for zero-waste products?

5 Best Online Zero-Waste Stores

Last but not least...

Plenty of trash is produced by food. Food packaging generates a lot of waste, most of which is difficult to recycle, from the plastic bags inside cereal boxes to the chip bags encased in film layers. Numerous low-cost plastics, films, and cardboard materials used in food packaging cannot be disposed of correctly because they are useless to the recycling industry or get tainted by the food. They hurt animals and produce carbon emissions when decomposing in landfills and the water.

Grocery shopping with no waste is becoming more and more popular as a result. With an emphasis on reusing, composting, and recycling, the zero-waste movement urges individuals to produce as little trash as possible.

Bring your bags and containers to the store, or choose foods with little packaging to practice zero waste when shopping. Unfortunately, many items are only available in unnecessary packaging, mainly at big grocery chains. This is frequently a result of their dislike of dealing with the food sorting, planning, and pricing processes. 

Zero-waste online shops provide their products in bulk. You weigh your food and pay for what you consume because food is provided at transparent costs. Shoppers at zero-waste supermarkets may cut down on food waste by only purchasing what they actually need and by utilizing reusable containers rather than disposable ones to decrease packaging waste.

Are you among those who simply cannot stand the plastics that appear in your online goods and are on the lookout for plastic-free packaging? Or someone just beginning their search online for suitable alternatives as part of their eco-friendly exchange adventure. Or a busy person who must visit a nearby sustainable business more frequently? Then you should be here right now because we are about to dig into our guide to zero-waste online shopping and introduce the 5 best zero-waste online stores.

What are zero-waste online stores?

The zero-waste lifestyle is growing in popularity in 2022 as more and more people become interested in sustainability. The original goal of zero waste was that nothing should go to the landfill. This is only feasible if everything acquired or eaten is reused, recycled, or composted without the need to dispose of any part of it into the environment, including the environment's land, water, or air. The basic idea is to switch from our current linear economy, which sends items directly to the trash at the end of their existence, to a circular economy.

It's simple to think of packing alone when we hear the phrase "zero waste" because packaging plays a significant role. But it also involves lifestyle decisions like shopping in bulk, composting if possible, examining the sustainability of supply chains, using what you already own, deciding to invest in waste-reducing sustainable alternatives, and more. 

According to estimates, the United States generates 40 million tons of food waste annually and 14 million tons of packaging trash. That is a significant amount of rubbish. Let's find out how some of these zero-waste shops are altering the landscape.

zero waste shopping bags

A zero-waste store, often referred to as a bulk store on occasion, promotes environmental awareness among customers and helps them purchase with less of an impact on the environment than they would if they went to a typical store. 

Customers may bring their own containers and find refillable solutions for everyday home goods like soap, shampoo, flour, spices, bulk food, and more at zero-waste businesses, often including zero-waste supplies and eco-friendly substitutions, and zero-waste options. 

Along with food items, many zero-waste businesses have eco-friendly cosmetics, eco-friendly cleaning supplies, eco-friendly personal care items, and other goods that inspire customers to live more sustainably and often come in recyclable or compostable packaging.

Zero-waste retailers are fantastic because they frequently take pleasure in where they get their items, ensuring that a company's supply chain is morally and environmentally responsible. 

You might or might not have access to physical businesses where you can buy without creating waste depending on where you live, but don't worry—plenty of fantastic online choices are available to you too!

What are examples of waste products?

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, almost every individual, business, and human activity produces garbage in the United States. Municipal solid waste, hazardous waste, industrial non-hazardous waste, agricultural and animal waste, medical waste, radioactive waste, construction and demolition debris, extraction and mining waste, oil and gas production waste, fossil fuel combustion waste, and sewage sludge are just a few of the many different types of waste that are produced. Some examples can be mentioned as the following:

Liquid Waste: 

Examples of liquid waste are organic liquids, waste detergents, unclean water, wash water, and even rainfall. Typically, companies, residences, and industries produce this trash.

Liquid waste can be categorized as point-source or nonpoint-source trash, depending on where it comes from. All produced liquid waste is referred to as point-source wastewater. Contrarily, non-point source waste is defined as natural liquid waste.

Solid Rubbish:

A wide range of products that can be found in homes or businesses is included in solid waste. Let's divide this kind of trash into the following five groups to better comprehend it:

  • Plastic bags, containers, jars, and bottles are included in the category of plastic waste.

  • Newspapers, packaging materials, cardboard, and other paper and cardboard waste are included.

  • You can find tins and metals around your house or business area.

  • Broken cups and plates made of ceramic and glass, as well as glass bottles and other items.

Organic Waste: 

The majority of families also produce a lot of organic garbage. Food scraps, garden debris, and other garbage are included in this waste. Even while microorganisms gradually break down this waste, it must be appropriately disposed of when produced.

Recyclable Rubbish:

All trash that may be turned into usable goods is referred to as recyclable trash, as the name implies. Concrete, metal, paper, and furniture are just a few examples of materials that may be repurposed from construction waste.

Hazardous Waste:

Any waste that is poisonous, combustible, corrosive, or reactive is referred to as hazardous waste. You and the environment may both be harmed by such trash. Toxic chemicals and electronic trash are a few examples of hazardous waste.

What are the benefits of zero-waste shops?

Demonstrations of environmentalists
  • Encourages us to adopt a sustainable lifestyle: By choosing to live a waste-conscious lifestyle, we are lowering our carbon footprint and becoming more conscientious of the things we consume. 

  • Convenience: Shopping in bulk is encouraged by zero waste practices, which is handy since it keeps us from running out of essentials like rice, dish detergent, spices, oil, and pet food. Additionally, since you're going to the shop less, this is perfect if you have a hectic schedule with your job or children. There is no need to leave the comfort of your home while shopping at an online zero-waste store, which makes it even handier. 

  • Minimal Packaging: Most of the time, these stores make sure that their packaging utilizes the fewest resources possible, doesn't include plastic, and is made of biodegradable materials like cardboard boxes and paper tapes. In addition, they make certain that your purchase advances eco-awareness and responsible consumption.

  • Increasing the Demand for Sustainable Products: By shopping at a zero-waste establishment, you are also increasing the number of people taking part in the conscious consumer movement and spending your hard-earned money on environmentally friendly products, thus boosting the demand for sustainable products. 

How to shop for zero-waste products?

To shop online for zero-waste products, follow the steps below:

   1. Do enough research: 

Familiarize yourself with the history and genesis of the brand. This increases your awareness and gives the mundane activity of daily shopping purpose. Additionally, purchasing becomes more important when you know you support a store that upholds your principles. 

   2. Order a Bulk: 

zero waste edible

Ordering in quantity is usually advised since it lowers the cost of transportation and reduces carbon emissions, whether you buy zero trash offline or online. 

3. Ask about their packing: 

The majority of these zero-waste stores make it clear on the box itself what should be done with the packaging, but if something needs to be specified, visit their website to learn more. You would want the packaging box to stay in the trash.

On the other hand, if you are to go to the store yourself, follow the steps below:

1. Bring Your Own Bags and Bottles: 

When you're ready to purchase at a zero-waste store, the most crucial thing to keep in mind is that you must carry your own bags and bottles. You'll fill up your own containers with whatever you require rather than selecting readymade products off the shelf. This not only makes it easier for you to acquire as much or as little of each item as you require, but it also reduces the quantity of packing you have to discard.

For most of the things I need to buy, I've discovered that this mason jar size is practical. Remember that you may reuse the jars you already have at home. In my opinion, salsa and spaghetti sauce jars are additional practical possibilities.

You'll also need to bring some reusable produce bags if you're conducting zero-waste grocery shopping and selecting fruits, vegetables, grains, portions of pasta, teas, or anything else.

These containers are substantial enough to contain heavy produce and stop leakage from loose grains. To make checkout as simple as possible, they also include a tare weight tag sewn on the exterior.

You may easily put the UPC or bin number right on the bag if you purchase from bulk bins using a washable marker. When you arrive home, place your item in an airtight container and wash the bag to prepare it for your subsequent trip.

2. Use a scale:

Before you begin shopping, you must weigh your empty containers using one of the scales at the zero-waste store. All you have to do is place your container on the scale and use a marker to note the weight on the container.

When you're prepared to pay, the salesperson weighs your container and subtracts that weight from the total. By doing this, you only pay for the weight of the goods within your container, not the container itself.

Some zero-waste shops also offer empty containers with their tare weights measured and noted. These are available for buy in-store; you must keep bringing them back to the store to replenish your supplies.

5 Best Online Zero-Waste Stores

zero waste shop

With their physical zero-waste stores AND an online buying option, these small enterprises are promoting sustainable shopping in their local communities and making it accessible to individuals outside of their areas.

1. Ecoroots:

Intending to give environmentally aware customers the best available low-waste and eco-friendly items, EcoRoots is an online zero-waste store. 

Their eco-friendly collection of products, which includes anything from home goods to beauty and health care items, will help you locate eco-friendly substitutes for your daily needs! As an excellent example, you may buy reusable paper towels to put it in your zero-waste bathroom. To make it simple for customers to lessen their influence, Antonia Pitica founded the company. 

EcoRoots transports all of its goods utilizing plastic-free, recyclable materials to make this feasible. Additionally, a selection of carefully chosen eco-friendly and waste-free goods created with the environment in mind is available.

It's one of the top zero-waste online retailers where you can find all the ingredients for environmentally friendly dental care products. A good assortment of organic health and cosmetic items is also available.

Along with providing a wide selection of sustainably produced necessities, EcoRoots also contributes a percentage of each transaction to Ocean Conservancy to help safeguard and clean up significant rivers worldwide.

2. Zero-Waste Store:

zero waste products

It is now one of the most reliable online markets for eco-friendly businesses and waste-free goods. Since the firm presently sells over 200 low-waste and eco-friendly products, you can be sure that you'll be able to locate what you need.

Since its debut, Zero Waste Store has grown to be a dependable marketplace for eco-friendly businesses and a group of people dedicated to protecting the environment. 

Numerous zero-waste items, such as those for the home, clean beauty, oral hygiene, hair care, and more, are available for eco-conscious consumers. Products are available at price ranges ranging from $6 to $100, providing options for customers. 

You may order without worrying about plastic packaging since all Zero Waste Store items are packaged in materials made entirely of recyclable paper or compostable starch, such as recycled paper tape, recycled mailer envelopes, and packing peanuts made of dissolvable starch. Also, carbon neutral is their shipping. 

3. Zero-Waste Outlet:

The best zero-waste items are offered at the most affordable pricing by Zero Waste Outlet. They carefully choose each item on their website based on its capacity to save waste without compromising use.

A product's practical usage, lifespan worth, shipping needs, comparative price, and end-of-life disposal scenarios are all taken into account before it is listed on the company's website. This online zero-waste store makes sustainable swaps simple because of its remarkable selection of kitchen, laundry room, and bathroom items (eco-friendly laundry detergent sheets, anyone?). It also offers beginning kits and travel accessories.

They use USPS for all deliveries and send out items in minimal, environmentally friendly packaging.

The purpose of Zero Waste Outlet is to make it simple for the average individual to transition to zero-waste products and to offer the best long-term value. 

In their opinion, the most remarkable approach to meet our needs and the needs of the Earth is to purchase zero-waste items rather than plastic ones.

4. Tiny Yellow Bungalow:

In order to share her sustainability efforts with her friends and family, Jessie started Tiny Yellow Bungalow in 2015. It has developed into a vibrant community and a one-stop shop for all things eco-friendly today. 

The handcrafted gifts, literature, antique collection, and linen area are just a few of the many items you may purchase here to live a sustainable lifestyle. 

zero waste disposable dishes

A tree is planted for every order you place on the Tiny Yellow Bungalow website. Therefore, everything works out for the best. Additionally, the goods you order will be sent without plastic. 

5. Package Free Shop:

Lauren Singer, the teenager who gained notoriety by fitting eight years' worth of garbage into a mason jar, launched Package Free Shop after realizing there was no centralized location for creators of environmentally friendly goods that reduced waste. 

In order to bring about change and make a living a zero waste lifestyle more widely available, Package Free was founded. They have a New York store and an online site where customers can purchase goods for the house, the body, and the on-the-go. Their Zero trash Kits, perfect for anybody interested in living without producing trash but feeling overwhelmed, are among their most distinctive goods. 

Their items come in a wide variety and are priced from $6 to $108. They sell items for pets, laundry detergent, reusable produce bags, bamboo toothbrushes, babies, cleaning supplies, health products, and so much more that you'll simply have to check out for yourself.

You may anticipate your product coming in environmentally friendly packaging if you shop online. Everything is shipped by Package Free in a recycled or entirely made from a post-consumer material box with paper wrapping and paper tape. They use only recyclable and compostable packaging materials.

Last but not least...

Reducing waste is crucial in the battle against climate change and global warming. Fortunately, even if there aren't any zero-waste retailers nearby, you can still limit your trash by getting your home necessities from one of these top zero-waste online businesses.

To accommodate this need, online shopping has rapidly grown. With a range of shipping choices to suit client's needs, you may have anything delivered to your home, including household products and fresh food. Due to the daily delivery of millions of items to individual households, the increase in online shopping has had a more considerable carbon effect.

Numerous online merchants sell their items using online zero waste stores to reduce the carbon impact of these purchases! A portion of your purchase is donated by them to carbon offset programs worldwide once it assesses the amount of carbon released during the transportation of your transaction.

All you have to do to make your order carbon neutral when a merchant has the extension turned on is click the button that appears when it appears. Regular shopping is a great way to help the environment. With online eco-friendly shops taking care of the rest, you can frequently make your order carbon-neutral without having to pay anything more. 

You don't have to waste time and money going grocery shopping. Even if you cannot entirely eliminate trash from your life, you can still improve the environmental impact of your shopping trip by making tiny adjustments to your routine, purchasing groceries from zero-waste establishments, or using online eco-friendly markets.

Zeynab Rouhollahi

Content Management & SEO Specialist

A passionate content writer who is always eager to learn more in the widespread world of marketing and has a small role in educating others!


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Greenify the earth by using compostable & biodegradable garbage bags