Greenify the earth by using compostable & biodegradable garbage bags 

Each person produces almost 0.74 kilograms of garbage per day, and this amount turns into 5,920,000,000 kilograms of trash in the world every day. Huge, isn’t it? The point here is that people mostly don’t use biodegradable garbage bags, and they prefer plastic bags. Considering each half of this amount is kept in plastic garbage bags, and each bag is filled with 5 kilograms of garbage, 592 million plastic bags are used every day. Again, a major number! 

It is time to Greenify the earth by switching to biodegradable trash bags.

compostable & biodegradable garbage bags

What does biodegradable mean?

Biodegradable refers to a substance capable of decomposing by natural biological processes, such as bacteria or fungi, into harmless substances like water, carbon dioxide, and organic materials. So that the decomposition process won’t be harmful to the earth; this process occurs over time and does not leave any harmful pollutants in the environment. Biodegradable materials are often used as an alternative to non-biodegradable materials that can take hundreds of years to decompose and can cause environmental damage.

When it comes to garbage bags, which are a high-consumption product in everyday life, have a major impact on the environment. This could be simply taken under control by switching to biodegradable trash bags. In fact, a biodegradable garbage bag is made of plastic, paper, or other materials that can be decomposed in a shorter time without releasing pollution. As a result, we can call biodegradable trash bags a zero-waste product. 

What are biodegradable garbage bags made of?

Biodegradable garbage bags are made of various materials depending on strength and size. For instance, you may find plant-based trash bags, including cornstarch, potato starch, and sugarcane. Other materials, such as paper, recycled plastics, and biodegradable polymers, such as polylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), are used to produce compostable garbage bags. 

biodegradable garbage bags

The main feature included in all kinds of these bags is the production engineering which is followed in a way that helps the bags be decomposed and break down within a shorter time rather than traditional garbage bags. In other words, regardless of the raw materials, biodegradable garbage bags are potentially faster in returning to the environment. 

Why switch to biodegradable garbage bags?

Are you up for having a sustainable living routine? Is it important for you to be an environmentalist by having a correct lifestyle? Then you should be a fan of compostable products. Biodegradable garbage bags are one of these products that offer you other advantages as below:

Lead you to affect the environment positively

Biodegradable trash bags are made from natural materials that break down quickly and safely in the environment. They do not release harmful chemicals or toxins into the soil or water, making them a more sustainable alternative to traditional plastic bags. Once you decide to impact the environment positively, you must use eco-friendly products and biodegradable garbage bags, one of the main things you’d better consider in your monthly cart. 

Less plastic waste, fewer landfills, and less ocean pollution 

Traditional plastic bags can take hundreds of years to decompose, leading to a buildup of plastic waste in landfills and oceans. On the other hand, biodegradable trash bags break down much faster, reducing plastic waste in the environment. Therefore, they won’t remain in the environment for long. 

plastic waste in landfills and oceans

Long-term cost-effectiveness

Yes, we know biodegradable trash bags may cost slightly more than traditional plastic bags. However, they can be a cost-effective choice in the long run. This is because they are often made from renewable resources, such as plant-based materials, which are generally less expensive than petroleum-based plastics. In fact, affordability will be revealed once the majority switch to using this product. 

Multi-purpose option

Biodegradable trash bags can be used for a variety of purposes, including food waste, yard waste, and general household trash. This means you have the option to pick biodegradable garbage bags for any trash because they come in a range of sizes and strengths to meet different needs. 

Sustainability is regarded

By choosing biodegradable trash bags, you are supporting sustainable businesses while a sustainable practice is also added to your lifestyle, and you will reduce your environmental impact. These can help businesses grow faster and more effectively and, on the other hand, create a more sustainable future for generations to come. 

How long do biodegradable bags take to decompose?

There are 3 key factors affecting the decomposition duration of biodegradable garbage bags:

  1. The environment conditions

  2. The material used to produce biodegradable bags

  3. The disposal method

Some biodegradable bags can decompose in as little as 3-6 months, while others may take up to a year or more. Even the longest one breaks down much quicker than traditional bags. However, this doesn’t mean you are allowed to leave them in nature. Biodegradable trash bags should not be considered a solution to the plastic waste problem and should still be disposed of properly.

Do compostable bags biodegrade on their own?

Even though biodegradable garbage bags are meant to be compostable, they still need specific conditions to decompose well. Under these specific conditions, yes, biodegradable bags will break down independently. But what are these conditions? One of them is leaving the bags exposed to oxygen or light and giving them time to decompose within 3 to 6 months (which is probably not a good choice because it takes time).

compostable garbage bag

Another solution is putting the bags in a home compost bin that prepares the condition for bags to biodegrade and break down into organic matter. The other condition is commercial composting facilities that are available in different parts of cities around the world. 

Please note that leaving biodegradable garbage bags in landfills doesn’t mean they will contribute to creating nutrient-rich soil! This way, they may not biodegrade as intended and can still contribute to pollution.

Some say that if you leave biodegradable trash bags in a microbe-rich environment, they may decompose faster than leaving them in a normal condition. However, we still don’t suggest this solution. Using home compost bins or commercial composting facilities is the best place to throw away your biodegradable garbage bags.

Degradable trash bags vs. biodegradable bags

You may hear about degradable trash bags and wonder what the difference is between biodegradable and degradable ones. The difference lies in the raw material and engineering in the production process. 

Degradable trash bags are made from plastic treated with additives, leading them to break down faster than traditional plastic bags. However, degradable bags do not fully biodegrade and can still leave behind harmful microplastics that can pollute the environment. The only point is that they are willing to decompose faster than traditional plastics. 

On the other hand, biodegradable bags are made from materials that can fully break down into organic matter. As mentioned, these bags are made of organic substances like plant-based materials like cornstarch or vegetable oils. When disposed of properly in biodegradable bags can be added to soil to make it nutrition-rich.

garbage bags in the street

To compare these two products, biodegradable bags are a more environmentally friendly option than degradable ones. However, it is important to dispose of them properly to ensure they can fully break down and not contribute to pollution. 

Compostable trash bags vs. biodegradable bags

Both compostable and biodegradable garbage bags are eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastic bags. However, there are some differences between the two:

  1. Compostable bags are made of organic materials, such as cornstarch, and are designed to break down into nutrient-rich compost. Biodegradable bags, on the other hand, biodegradable bags break down into smaller pieces over time, but they do not necessarily turn into compost.

  2. Compostable bags, typically found in industrial composting facilities, need specific conditions to break down, such as heat, moisture, and microbes. They may not break down in landfills properly, even over the years. This is while biodegradable bags can take months to years to break down, depending on the material and conditions. (Due to the long breakdown time, it is recommended not to leave them in nature).

  3. Some biodegradable bags may leave behind harmful microplastics that can harm the environment. While compostable won't if they are not left in landfills and decomposed correctly. 

In total, biodegradable bags are not created in a way to necessarily get back to compost. However, compostables are designed to turn into compost. For both, it is important to note that they are decomposed properly.

How to choose a compostable and biodegradable trash bag?

Your needs can determine what kind of trash bags are the best for you. In general, there are 4 main factors helping you to choose what best suits your purposes. 


Would you like to have bags made from organic materials such as cornstarch, sugarcane, or potato starch for compostable bags? Or do you prefer to go for biodegradable plastic? 

We suggest you choose organic materials and look for materials that are certified to break them down into smaller pieces without leaving harmful microplastics. These details are mostly written on the packaging. 


Biodegradable products will come with different certifications, such as:

  • Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) 

  • Compostable Products Certification (CPC)

This way, you ensure the bags meet industry standards.


Choose a bag that is the appropriate size and capacity for your needs to avoid overfilling. There are different sizes and materials for your purposes that you can choose based on your necessity. 


Compostable and biodegradable bags may be slightly more expensive than traditional plastic bags. If you are thinking of buying these bags frequently, consider the cost when making your decision to ensure the cost-effectiveness.

biodegradable bags may be slightly more expensive

Best biodegradable trash bags brands

If you are looking for top brands to buy your biodegradable garbage bags and start your sustainable practice, we will introduce you 5 of the best producers:

   1. Green Earth

If you are satisfied with the product, enjoy your choice; if not, you can simply get a refund within 30 days. This is how Green Earth guarantees its quality of biodegradable garbage bags. To get 13-gallon compostable trash bags, you will be charged only $19.95.

   2. Hippo Sak

Ranging from small food scrap bags to tall kitchen bags, this brand offers plant-based biodegradable garbage bags with BPI certification. The price for small packages, including 80 bags, starts from $12.

   3. BioBag 

Made of GMO-free (not genetically modified) crops, BioBag has original compostable trash bags for different needs. A 100-count package of this brand starts from $12.97.

   4. UNNI

This company produces 100% biodegradable and compostable trash bags made of corn for different purposes. You will find drawstring bags, food scrap bags, pet waste bags, storage bags, food prep gloves, bags with hands, and toilet replacement bags in this brand's product lists starting from $11.98.

   5. Reli

If you are looking for different sorts of trash bags in various sizes, Reli will help you find the best choice! This brand is popular for commercial purposes due to the size and amount of packaging. The price for a pack of 800 bags in 13-gallon size is $59.99. 

Are biodegradable trash bags more expensive?

In general, biodegradable trash bags may be more expensive than traditional plastic trash bags due to the cost of producing and sourcing biodegradable materials. Of course, this difference is not too much, and switching to using biodegradable garbage bags is affordable. However, the cost difference may vary depending on the brand and size of the bags. The point is it is worth spending a little more to positively impact the earth's greenification. Another point of using these products is to help sustainable businesses grow faster and be motivated to keep on. 

Maryam Vahidi

Content creator and web editor


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