What to Do with Old Shoes? Donate, Sell, Repair, Recycle, and Get Creative

When it comes to old shoes, don't just toss them away! Instead, explore the exciting world of repurposing and recycling to breathe new life into your worn-out footwear.

This article presents a range of innovative ideas to help you transform your old shoes into functional and stylish items while reducing waste and embracing sustainability.

Discover how to unleash your creativity and give your old shoes a second chance! Let’s see how we can make old shoes, into recycled shoes

new ideas for old shoes

What Is the Impact of Shoe Waste on the Environment?

The impact of shoe waste on the environment is significant and requires our attention. Each year, millions of shoes are discarded, ending up in landfills and contributing to environmental degradation. This waste has far-reaching consequences for our planet.

Shoe production involves the consumption of valuable resources. Significant amounts of energy, water, and chemicals are utilized from the extraction of raw materials to manufacturing processes. The depletion of these resources puts a strain on ecosystems and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

Additionally, the disposal of shoes in landfills poses several environmental challenges. Shoes are made up of various components, including rubber, leather, synthetic materials, and adhesives. As these materials break down over time, they release harmful substances into the soil and groundwater, potentially contaminating natural habitats and water sources.

Moreover, the decomposition of shoes in landfills produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), methane has a significantly higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide over 20 years.

different types of old shoes

Furthermore, the fast fashion culture and the constant production of shoes contribute to the overconsumption of resources and the generation of waste. The demand for inexpensive footwear often leads to a shorter lifespan of shoes, as they are frequently discarded when they can still be used.

To address these environmental challenges, promoting sustainable practices in the footwear industry is crucial, specifically promoting sustainable shoes. This includes designing shoes with durability in mind, using eco-friendly materials, implementing recycling programs, and supporting initiatives that encourage responsible production and consumption.

By raising awareness about the environmental impact of shoe waste, we can make informed choices as consumers and support brands that prioritize sustainability. Together, we can reduce waste, conserve resources, and mitigate the negative effects of shoe waste on our planet.

Repurposing Options for Old Shoes

When it comes to old shoes, several repurposing options can help reduce waste and extend their lifespan. By exploring these alternatives, you can contribute to a more sustainable approach to footwear, and learn how to avoid microplastics. Here are some ways you can repurpose your old shoes:

Are you just bored? Sell them and embrace Sustainable Fashion

If you find yourself simply bored with your old shoes, consider selling them as a sustainable fashion option. There are various platforms and online marketplaces where you can resell your gently worn shoes, allowing them to find a new home and extending their lifespan.

By participating in the resale market, you contribute to the circular economy and promote sustainable fashion practices, reducing the demand for new production.

an old golden shoe

Do they have minor flaws? Repair them

Before discarding shoes with minor flaws, consider repairing them. Many local cobblers or shoe repair shops specialize in fixing worn-out soles, replacing heels, or repairing loose stitching. By investing in repairs, you not only extend the life of your shoes but also reduce waste and contribute to a more sustainable approach to footwear.

Are they still usable? Donate them 

If your shoes are still in usable condition but no longer serve your needs, consider donating them. Numerous organizations and charities accept gently worn shoes and distribute them to individuals in need.

By donating your shoes, you help reduce waste which prioritizes reuse and minimizes the environmental impact of footwear production. Maybe someone needs your eco-friendly boots or wants to reuse a pair of shoes!

Are they natural? Return them to nature through composting

For shoes made from natural materials such as leather, suede, or canvas, composting is an eco-friendly option.

Remove non-compostable components, such as metal or synthetic parts, and cut the shoes into smaller pieces to aid decomposition. Place them in a compost pile or bin, where they will break down over time, returning to the earth as organic matter.

Are they recyclable? Recycle them responsibly

If your shoes are no longer usable and not suitable for composting, explore recycling options. Certain recycling programs or facilities accept shoes for processing.

These programs often dismantle the shoes, separating materials like rubber, plastic, and textiles for recycling or repurposing. Recycling your old shoes helps divert waste from landfills and contributes to a more sustainable waste management system.

Are you creative? Make an art project with them 

For the creatively inclined, repurposing old shoes as art projects offers a unique way to give them a new life. From shoe sculptures to decorative pieces, the possibilities are endless.

Get inspired and explore different artistic techniques to transform your shoes into one-of-a-kind creations. And while you're at it, don't forget to consider repurposing old socks in your art projects as well, expanding your creative toolkit even further.

Are they suitable for shoe swaps or exchanges? Participate in local shoe swap events

Shoe swap events or exchanges are gatherings where people can trade their gently worn shoes with others. These events promote sustainable consumption and offer an opportunity to refresh your shoe collection without purchasing new ones. Check local community groups or online platforms to find shoe swap events near you.

Are they suitable for pet toys or shelters? Donate them to animal shelters or repurpose them as pet toys

Animal shelters often welcome donations of old shoes to provide bedding or enrichment for animals. Additionally, you can repurpose old shoes as pet toys by filling them with treats or creating interactive playthings for your furry friends. You can do the same with your old socks.

Are they suitable for upcycling? Transform them into new fashion items or accessories

Get creative and repurpose your old shoes into new fashion items or accessories. For example, you can turn them into unique handbags, planters, or even stylish bookends. Upcycling allows you to breathe new life into your shoes while reducing waste and promoting sustainable fashion practices.

By thinking creatively and considering the unique qualities of your footwear, you may discover even more ways to give them a new purpose, reducing waste and embracing sustainability.

Tips for Extending the Life of Your Shoes

By following these tips, you can extend the life of your shoes, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste:

Invest in quality shoes

Opt for well-made shoes that are built to last. Quality shoes are more durable and can withstand everyday wear and tear better than cheaper alternatives.

Rotate your shoes

Try to rotate your shoe selection and avoid wearing the same pair every day. By rotating your shoes, you give them time to breathe and recover, reducing the strain on any particular pair.

Keep them clean

Make it a habit to clean your shoes regularly, ensuring that you remove dirt, dust, and stains. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning or use appropriate cleaning methods for the specific material of your shoes. Additionally, if you have thrifted shoes, it's important to know how to wash thrifted clothes to ensure proper cleaning and maintenance of your shoes.

keep your old shoes clean

Protect them from the elements

Apply waterproof or protective sprays to your shoes to guard against water damage and stains. This is particularly important for shoes made of materials such as suede or leather.

Use shoe trees or stuff them when not in use

By using shoe trees, you can preserve the shape of your shoes and prevent the formation of creases or wrinkles. If you don't have shoe trees, you can stuff your shoes with tissue paper or clean socks to help them retain their shape.

Repair minor issues promptly

If you notice minor issues such as loose threads, worn-out soles, or loose heels, address them promptly. Taking care of small repairs can prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your shoes.

Store them properly

When not in use, store your shoes in a cool, dry location, protected from direct sunlight. Avoid stacking or crushing them, as this can cause deformations. Consider using shoe bags or boxes to protect them from dust and maintain their condition.

Take care of the soles

The soles of your shoes are subjected to the most wear. Periodically check the soles for signs of wear and have them resolved or repaired when necessary. This will help prolong the overall lifespan of your shoes.

take care of old shoes

Replace worn-out insoles

Over time, the insoles of your shoes may become worn or lose their cushioning. Consider replacing them with new insoles to enhance comfort and support, extending the life of your shoes.

Follow specific care instructions

Different materials require different care. Whether your shoes are made of leather, canvas, synthetic materials, or others, follow the specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer to maintain their quality and appearance.


  1. Is it OK to throw away shoes?

    If all other options are exhausted, it is acceptable to dispose of shoes responsibly through recycling or waste management.

  2. How often should we change our shoes?

    Replace shoes when they are significantly worn or no longer offer proper support or comfort.

  3. Are there brands or retailers with take-back programs for old shoes?

    Yes, brands like Nike and Patagonia have take-back programs to recycle or repurpose old shoes and reduce environmental impact.

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Maryam Vahidi

Content creator and web editor


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