What to do with old pillows? | 7 Sustainable Solutions

ideas for old pillows

Are you staring at a pile of worn-out, lumpy pillows and wondering what to do with them? Perhaps you've upgraded to a new set or decided it's time to declutter your living space. Whatever the reason, before you toss those old pillows into the trash, hold on!

Believe it or not, there are numerous creative and sustainable ways to give your pillows a new lease on life with pillow recycling. In this blog post, we'll guide you through five eco-friendly solutions for repurposing your old pillows. Not only will you be reducing waste and minimizing your environmental impact, but you'll also discover exciting ways to breathe new life into these seemingly useless cushions.

Table of contents:

When Should We Get Rid of Old Pillows?

when to get rid of old pillows

Knowing when to get rid of old pillows is essential for maintaining a clean and comfortable sleep environment. You should know what to do with old socks, pillows, clothes and anything else. but first, you need to recognize whether are they old or not. While pillows can last for several years, there comes a time when they should be replaced. Here are a few indicators that it may be time to bid farewell to your old pillows:

  • Lumpy and Flat: If your pillow has lost its shape and has become lumpy or flat, it's a clear sign that its supportive qualities have diminished. Flattened pillows can lead to poor spinal alignment and discomfort during sleep.

  • Visible Wear and Tear: Are there visible signs of wear and tear, such as frayed edges, holes, or stains that cannot be removed? These are indications that your pillow has reached the end of its lifespan.

  • Allergies and Respiratory Issues: If you find yourself waking up with allergy symptoms, frequent sneezing, or respiratory issues, it could be a sign that your old pillow is harboring allergens and needs to be replaced.

  • Neck and Shoulder Pain: If you consistently wake up with discomfort or stiffness in these areas, it's time to consider investing in a new pillow that better aligns with your sleep needs.

  • Odor and Unpleasant Smells: Pillows can absorb body oils, sweat, and other odors over time. If your pillow emits an unpleasant smell that persists even after washing, it's a clear sign that it needs to be replaced.

As a general guideline, it's recommended to consider pillow recycling every 1 to 2 years, depending on their quality and condition. However, individual factors such as personal preference, pillow material, and maintenance can also influence their lifespan. 

Sustainable Options for Repurposing Old Pillows

By old pillow recycling, we extend their lifespan and reduce the strain on our environment and landfills. It encourages us to think creatively and find new uses for items that may seem disposable, fostering a mindset of resourcefulness and conscious consumption. If you want to take a big step towards going green, let`s take a look at pillow recycling sustainable options. 

1- Donate to Animal Shelters

Animal shelters often welcome donations of old pillows to provide comfort and bedding for animals in need. Before donating, check with your local shelter to ensure they accept pillow donations. Simply wash the pillows, remove any decorative covers, and drop them off at the shelter. Your old pillows can bring warmth and coziness to furry friends awaiting their forever homes.

2- Create Pet Beds

Create Pet Beds with old pillows

Give your beloved pets a comfy place to rest by repurposing your old pillows into pet beds. Sew or tie the pillows together inside a removable cover made from durable fabric. You can customize the shape and size based on your pet's needs. Not only will you save money on purchasing a new pet bed, but you'll also reduce waste and provide a cozy spot for your furry companion.

3- Make Floor Cushions

Transform your old pillows into versatile floor cushions for extra seating or lounging. Sew or wrap the pillows in fabric that matches your home decor, adding a touch of personal style to your living space. These cushions can be used for movie nights, reading corners, or impromptu gatherings, making them both functional and eco-friendly.

4- Stuffing for DIY Crafts

DIY crafts with old pillows

If you enjoy sewing or crafting, repurposing old pillows as stuffing can be a sustainable solution. Use the soft filling to stuff homemade plush toys, cushions, or even DIY draft stoppers for doors and windows. By utilizing pillow stuffing in creative projects, you give it a second life while unleashing your artistic side.

5- Compostable Filling

Compost at home! If your old pillows are filled with natural materials such as feathers or down, consider composting them. Remove any synthetic or non-biodegradable components, such as pillow covers or zippers, and cut open the pillows to separate the filling. Add the natural filling to your compost pile, where it will break down over time and enrich the soil. This eco-friendly option allows you to return organic materials to the earth, reducing waste and supporting sustainable gardening practices.

6- Recycle or Reprocess the Fill Material

One sustainable option for pillow recycling is to recycle or reprocess the fill material. Some pillow manufacturers and recycling centers accept old pillows and extract the fill material for reuse in new products. The filling can be cleaned, sanitized, and transformed into materials for items like insulation, carpet padding, or even new pillows. By recycling or reprocessing the fill material, we reduce the demand for new resources and minimize waste.

7- Participate in Pillow Recycling Programs

Some regions and organizations offer specific pillow recycling programs. These programs collect old pillows and ensure they are properly recycled or repurposed. Some recycling facilities specialize in processing pillows, using innovative methods to separate the different materials and divert them from landfills. By participating in these programs, you can ensure that your old pillows are handled in an environmentally responsible manner, contributing to the circular economy and reducing the environmental impact of waste.

By exploring these sustainable options, we actively engage in practices that prioritize resource conservation, waste reduction, and environmental stewardship. By repurposing old pillows through recycling, composting, or participating in dedicated programs, we play a part in creating a more sustainable and circular economy while minimizing our ecological footprint. 

The Environmental Impact of Pillow Production

The production of pillows has a significant environmental impact. The manufacturing process involves sourcing raw materials such as cotton, polyester, or down, which often require intensive farming practices, pesticides, and water consumption. Energy-intensive processes, including spinning, weaving, and fabric dyeing, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. Additionally, the packaging and transportation of pillows generate further carbon emissions.

Furthermore, the disposal of old pillows in landfills adds to waste accumulation. Considering these factors, the environmental impact of pillow production underscores the importance of sustainable living, including reducing consumption, opting for eco-friendly materials, and exploring repurposing options to minimize the ecological footprint associated with pillows.

Important points in buying a pillow that helps to recycle it better

When buying a pillow, you should consider some sustainable shopping tips. consider the following points to help facilitate its recycling:

  • Material Choice: Opt for pillows made from natural, biodegradable, and recyclable materials like organic cotton, bamboo, or natural latex. 

  • Avoid Harmful Chemicals: Choose pillows that are free from harmful chemicals such as flame retardants, formaldehyde, or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 

  • Minimal Packaging: Excessive packaging contributes to waste generation, so choosing options with minimal packaging reduces the overall environmental impact.

  • Durable Construction: Opt for pillows with durable construction and high-quality stitching. A well-made pillow will last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste.

  • Consider Recyclability: Research the manufacturer's recycling policies or check if they offer take-back programs for their pillows. 

By considering these points when purchasing a pillow, you can make a more environmentally conscious choice and increase the chances of the pillow being recycled effectively when it reaches the end of its life.

Tips for Reducing Pillow Waste and Making Them Last Longer 

Make Pillow Last Longer

Let`s take a bigger step in a green world by making pillows last longer. Here are some tips for reducing pillow waste and making them last longer:

  • Invest in Quality: Choose high-quality pillows that are designed to withstand regular use and maintain their shape and support over time. This minimizes the need for frequent replacements.

  • Regular Fluffing and Rotation: Fluff and rotate your pillows regularly to distribute the filling evenly and prevent them from flattening. This helps extend their lifespan and ensures optimal comfort.

  • Use Pillow Protectors: Place pillow protectors on your pillows to shield them from stains, dirt, and sweat. These protectors can be easily removed and washed easily.

  • Wash According to Instructions: Improper washing methods can damage the filling or alter the pillow's shape. Washing them correctly helps maintain their quality and extends their usability.

  • Spot Clean Instead of Washing: For minor spills or stains, spot clean the affected area instead of washing the entire pillow. This reduces wear and tear and helps preserve the pillow's integrity.

  • Fluff in the Dryer: If your pillows are safe for machine drying, occasionally tumble them in the dryer with a clean tennis ball or dryer balls on low heat. This fluffs the filling and restores their loft.

  • Repurpose or Donate: Instead of discarding old pillows, consider repurposing them for other uses or donating them to shelters or organizations that can give them a second life. 


When faced with the dilemma of what to do with old pillows, there are numerous sustainable solutions to consider. By exploring these seven options for pillow recycling, we can transform our old pillows into valuable resources rather than contributing to waste.

Embracing these sustainable practices not only reduces our environmental footprint but also encourages creativity, resourcefulness, and a conscious approach to consumption. Let's take action and embrace these sustainable solutions to give our old pillows a new purpose while making a positive impact on our planet. Together, we can create a more eco-friendly and waste-conscious world! 


1. Can I donate old pillows?

Yes, you can donate old pillows, but it's best to check with the specific donation center or organization to ensure they accept them.

2. Why do old pillows turn yellow?

Old pillows can turn yellow due to sweat, body oils, and the accumulation of dust and dirt over time.

3. Are old pillows unhealthy?

Old pillows can potentially harbor dust mites, allergens, and bacteria, which may impact air quality and sleep hygiene

4. What are some natural and biodegradable pillow materials I can consider when buying new pillows?

Some natural and biodegradable pillow materials to consider are organic cotton, bamboo, natural latex, and wool.

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Golnaz Sami

My name is Golnaz. I'm a fashion designer and a nature lover. I believe that fashion should be sustainable and have no impact on nature.

I'm always looking for new ways to help the environment and create a better future for all of us. That`s why I write.


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