What are organic pads, and what are they produced of?

Just like any other feminine organic sanitary product, organic pads are there to rescue women from disasters! Follow us here to learn more about this miraculous product, the benefits of using organic pads, how they are produced, and if any harmful ingredient is used in the production process. Find your other questions' answers by reading this page.  

organic pads, how they are produced

What is an organic pad?

When it comes to periods, most women are looking for a clean product to use during this painful time. One imperative factor convincing women to choose a sanitary product for their period is if this product can help them have a more comfortable period or not. Organic pads are one of these sanitary products (also known as natural cosmetics), made of 100% natural raw materials, such as bamboo pulp, cotton, or other plant-based fibers.

Organic pads are free from synthetic materials and chemicals commonly found in traditional menstrual pads. They are biodegradable and environmentally friendly, making them a great choice for reducing environmental impacts. 

free chemical organic pad

Another convincing reason to use these kinds of pads is that they are more comfortable and less irritating to the skin than traditional pads, as well as help some people reduce their period pain. 

Organic pads: an eco-friendly proposition, is it sustainable?


As mentioned, no synthetic material and chemicals are used in the production, which means a definite eco-friendly proposition and creates more waste. Therefore, this biodegradable product is a great option and can help reduce your environmental impact and promote sustainability.

Features of a quality organic pad

Consider the 8 factors below to make sure you are buying a quality organic pad. Generally, the pads have a smooth surface with a soft touch and are easy to fold. The feeling is also extremely comfortable and makes consumers feel like normal days. 

The features of a quality organic pad include:

Made from natural materials

A quality organic pad is made from natural materials such as organic cotton, bamboo, or other plant-based fibers. Ensure that the pad you’re trying to consume includes one of these as the basic material. There could be some other additional materials depending on the purity rate.


It should be free from harmful chemicals, including chlorine, dioxins, and fragrances. Organic pads are famous for being harmless to the environment, and this feature comes from the chemical-free properties of the product. 


The pad should be biodegradable and compostable, meaning it can break down naturally without harming the environment. Once there is no chemical used in the pads, it means they won’t release emissions in the recycling process, which results in a biodegradable feature. Additionally, if organic pads are left in nature accidentally, they will be recycled naturally faster than normal pads.

natracare ultra pads


It should be absorbent enough to provide adequate protection during the menstrual cycle. The main material used in the production can determine the rate of absorbent in organic pads. Generally, all materials utilized in this product are quality absorbers.


One of the tangible feelings everyone using organic pads for the first time can experience is the super comfortable feeling. A quality organic pad should be comfortable to wear and not cause irritation or discomfort. If you sense this feeling, as well as having less pain in some cases, you are using a good organic pad. 

Ethical production

It should be produced using ethical and sustainable production methods that prioritize the well-being of workers and the environment. The sustainability of the product is one of the main factors leading hundreds of people to consume organic pads.

Eco-friendly packaging

The packaging of the organic pad should be eco-friendly and recyclable as well. This is because sustainability and eco-friendliness need to be included in all parts of the product. 

Reasonable price

Although organic pads are meant to be more expensive than normal pads due to the raw materials used, they are still offered at a reasonable price to make it possible to consume for people from different income levels. In other words, quality organic pads should be affordable and accessible to all.

Benefits of organic pads

Organic pads have numerous benefits, from benefits related to the human and environment to the benefits related to business.  

  1. Eco-friendly: Organic pads are biodegradable and do not contain harmful chemicals that can harm the environment.

  2. Breathable: the materials used to produce organic pads are natural and breathable, helping consumers feel more comfortable during menstruation while avoiding odor. 

  3. Better for your health: Traditional pads often contain synthetic materials and chemicals that can cause irritation, itching, and even allergic reactions. Organic pads are free of these harmful substances, making them a safer and healthier option. In conventional pads, there are some harmful ingredients, such as chemicals like chlorine and dioxins, while no chemicals and harmful substances are used in organic pads.

  4. More comfortable: Organic pads are often softer and more breathable than traditional pads, providing greater comfort during menstruation.

  5. Better for sensitive skin: Organic pads may be a better choice if you have sensitive skin or allergies since they are free of chemicals and synthetic materials.

  6. Support sustainable farming businesses and the sustainable fashion industry: Choosing organic pads supports sustainable farming commerce that is better for the environment and promotes healthy soil and water quality. It also helps organic businesses grow and brings more job opportunities.

Harmful ingredients in conventional pads

Normal pads may contain harmful ingredients; however, these ingredients may vary in different brands. The amount used is also different depending on the available models. These ingredients are mostly:

  • Chlorine: Chlorine is used to bleach conventional pads and can create dioxins, which are known to cause cancer and reproductive problems. Some people are sensitive to chlorine and may have allergic reactions. 

  • Rayon: Rayon is a synthetic material that is commonly used in conventional pads. It is made from wood pulp that has been treated with chemicals, which can cause irritation and allergic reactions. 

  • Fragrances: If the normal pads have an aromatic scent, it contains fragrances that can cause irritation and disrupt the natural pH balance of the vagina.

  • Plastics: Conventional pads often contain plastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene, which are not biodegradable and can harm the environment.

  • Artificial colors: Normal pads may contain artificial colors that can cause irritation and allergic reactions.

  • Adhesives: Conventional pads may contain adhesives that can cause dryness, irritation, and other allergic reactions.

  • Polyethylene (PET), Polypropylene, and Propylene glycol (PEG): These substances can impact hormones and cause cancer, birth defects, and infertility. 

feminine organic sanitary product

Do organic pads help periods?

Definitely! Organic pads are designed to absorb menstrual flow during periods just like traditional pads but with a more comfortable feeling.

Organic pads are produced to offer additional benefits, such as reduced irritation and odor due to their natural and breathable materials. There is no chemical or harmful ingredient in these pads that prevents consumers from chronic diseases such as cancer, allergic reactions, etc. 

Choosing a pad with the right size and absorbency level is important for your needs. Therefore, you should consider whether the product is designed for daily or nighttime use.

It is occasional; however, some reports show that period cramps are reduced when people use organic pads. This can be due to the breathable features or softness of the cover. 

Some users also claimed they had less bleeding while using organic pads. This can also vary among women, but the main reason could be the ingredients. While normal pads have chemicals that affect hormones and period cycles, organic pads, with organic materials, can improve the way you approach your cycle. On the other hand, organic cotton is a better absorber that may feel like you bled less.  

Why do organic pads feel different?

Organic pads may feel different because they are made from natural and breathable materials, such as organic cotton, bamboo, or hemp, instead of synthetic materials like rayon or plastic. However, this feeling different is not bad! It is indeed more comfortable, with no irritation or allergic reactions, while helps feel that the time of the month is like any other time. 

Natural materials or organic pads allow for better airflow, reducing the sensitivity and odor risk. Organic pads may also be less bulky and more flexible, providing a more comfortable fit.

Are organic pads more expensive?

The price of organic pads highly depends on the raw materials used in production. For instance, if the bamboo pulp is used, it could be slightly more expensive, but the price difference is usually insignificant.

Other factors that can impact the cost of organic pads are the brand and the retailer, but many people find that the added expense is worth it for the peace of mind and health benefits. Additionally, some companies offer subscription services or bulk discounts to help make organic pads more affordable, leading people to have organic pads as an organic skincare routine. 

Tips for using and caring for organic pads

By following these tips, you can ensure that your organic pads are clean, hygienic, and last longer.

  • Change your pad every 4-6 hours: It is important to change your pad frequently to prevent bacterial growth and infection.

  • Wash your hands before and after changing your pad: This will help keep the area clean and prevent contamination.

  • Store used pads in a separate container: If the organic pads are reusable, place them in a separate container till you are ready to wash them.

  • Use cold water to rinse and wash pads: If the pads are washable, use cold water to rinse the pads to remove any excess blood before washing.

  • Wash the pads with mild detergent: If the pads are reusable, make sure you use mild detergent to wash the pads. Avoid using fabric softeners or bleach, as they can damage the fabric.

  • Air dry the pads: Hang the pads to air dry or lay them flat on a clean surface. Avoid using a dryer as it can damage the fabric.

  • Store pads in a dry place: Make sure to store the pads in a dry place to prevent mold or mildew growth. If you find the pads are wet, either air dry them or wash them and air dry to prevent contamination.

TOM organic pads

Get familiar with some of the natural & organic pads

Now, if you’re ready to use self-care ideas with organic pads, here are some of the most well-known brands offering quality organic pads.

  1. Rael: made of cotton cover, this company’s pads absorb well, making you feel like normal days.

  2. Tom: Suitable for days and nights, the organic cotton pads of Tom are super comfortable. 

  3. Lola: With Lola’s ultra-thin organic pads, women are more comfortable during menstruation.

  4. Cora: Cora offers soft and flexible are made of organic cotton and is suitable for long-hour use. 

  5. Organyc: This company provides organic pads and 100% organic cotton tampons.   

Healthier with organic pads: Are organic pads better for you?

Overall, organic pads can be a safer and healthier option for your body and the environment. This product can help you eliminate allergic reactions and have a more comfortable period while reducing pain occasionally. Here we mentioned the benefits of organic pads and introduced some brands that provide quality organic pads and features you can recognize as good products. Once you start consuming organic pads, you will understand the different feelings better. 

Maryam Vahidi

Content creator and web editor


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