Going green: Changing the color of your life!

In many gatherings, talking about the environment and ways to have a more sustainable living are popular topics to discuss. And one of the main issues is going green! If you’re curious to know the differences between these ideas and would like to change the color of your life by following a green lifestyle, don’t miss to read this article. 

having a green lifestyle

What does going green mean?

A good definition of going green should cover all aspects of this matter. In general, any action you follow to prioritize environmental sustainability and reduce one's carbon footprint is a trace of going green. However, it may have a wide range of levels. 

Using eco-friendly products, reducing energy consumption, reducing waste, and choosing more sustainable modes of transportation, could all be a sign of this prompt. Going green is important for reducing the negative impact of human activity on the environment and preserving natural resources for future generations.

Therefore, we can say the meaning of going green lies behind your environmental activities. Sometimes only one of these examples can be considered a green mode, as it can impact widely when it grows popular worldwide. Everything can start with a simple green action. 

Going green can start by just reducing the water consumption in your daily life, waste sorting, growing more plants in your apartments, etc. So, if you plan to start going green, take simple actions and prioritize them in your everyday routine. 

The difference between going green and sustainability

The difference between going green and sustainability

Sustainability refers to the general actions done by a group of people. This group can be a government, a business, a family, etc. In other words, sustainability is a long-term ability of an ecosystem or society to continue functioning and thriving. As a result, systemic changes and policies promote environmental, social, and economic sustainability. 

However, going green is an individual decision and a personal commitment to reduce environmental impact. While going green is an important step towards sustainability, achieving true sustainability requires broader systemic changes and collective action. 

The difference between going green and eco-friendly

As mentioned in the previous part, going green refers to a personal choice to reduce one’s impact on the environment. On the other hand, eco-friendly involves taking a more holistic approach to sustainability. While you decide to have an eco-friendly lifestyle, you will probably consider the entire lifecycle of a product or service, from production to disposal, before making any decision. 

Are you checking for cosmetics to buy? Then eco-friendliness, in this case, refers to what you are opting for. This attitude is found in every corner of your shopping habits, affecting consumer behaviors. 

In summary, going green means considering sustainability and eco-friendliness on smaller scales, and once all these small going green actions combine, you will have an eco-friendly lifestyle. 

benefits of going green

Benefits of going green

It really depends on what actions you are doing. However, we can undoubtedly admit the benefits of going green are way more to be counted in this article! Here, we list 7 of the most imperative effects of going green. 

1. Saving money!

Yes, you can save money by going green! As mentioned, reducing water consumption is one of the going green activities resulting in water bill rates. In many cases, you may find organic products in a bigger size with a discount, another saving money feature of going green. 

Generally, many green choices can help you save money in the long run, such as energy-efficient appliances, using public transportation, and reducing food waste.

2. A quality life with a healthier approach

Going green often involves choosing healthier options for yourself and the environment, such as eating organic foods, using natural cleaning products, and reducing air pollution. In addition, a cleaner environment can lead to better health, improved mental well-being, and more enjoyable living space for everyone.

3. Saving our mother, the earth!

Going green highly affects the environment. By making conscious choices to reduce your carbon footprint, you can help minimize the negative impact on the environment. This way, you will have cleaner air to breathe. Going green will help reduce the speed of climate change and global warming in the long term.

For instance, choosing sustainable transportation options like biking or public transit can reduce air pollution and traffic congestion. Finally, supporting environmentally responsible companies and practices can encourage others to adopt more sustainable practices, leading to a healthier planet.

4. A better future for Kids

By reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and transitioning to renewable energy sources, we can help decrease the impacts of climate change, which will have significant consequences for future generations. Conserving water and reducing waste can also help ensure that these resources are available for the next generation. Additionally, by supporting environmentally responsible practices and companies, we can help create a more sustainable and equitable economy that benefits everyone, including our children. Overall, going green is an important step towards creating a healthier and more sustainable world for our children to inherit. 

Another point is the general health of our kids. Did you know that many disorders and diseases in adulthood originate from unfavorable childhood lifestyles? In fact, by having a green routine, you will not only guarantee the well-ness of yourself but also that your kids (or future kids) will live healthier and prevent health problems. 

green routine for future

5. Helping sustainable, local, and green businesses to grow

Many local businesses try to attract customers for their goods and services with a sustainable and green approach. If you are trying to go green, you will have a role in supporting these kinds of businesses. In other words, once more people change their lifestyle to green, more growth opportunities for sustainable businesses are provided. This can ultimately end with more job opportunities and more start-up ideas in the long term. 

6. Preventing water pollution

Using water-efficient appliances can reduce water consumption and decrease the amount of wastewater that needs to be treated and discharged. However, this is not the whole story. When you change your lifestyle to a green one, you will support sustainable businesses, including sustainable agriculture.

Agricultural runoff is a major source of water pollution, as it can contain fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals. By supporting sustainable agriculture practices that prioritize soil health and reduce chemical use, we can help prevent agricultural runoff and protect our waterways.

Wetlands and other natural habitats act as filters for pollutants, helping to keep our waterways clean. We can help prevent water pollution and maintain healthy ecosystems by supporting conservation efforts and protecting these habitats.

Last but not least, many household and industrial chemicals can end up in our waterways, causing pollution and harm to aquatic life. By choosing eco-friendly cleaning products and supporting businesses that use non-toxic chemicals, we can help reduce the amount of harmful chemicals that end up in our water.

7. Feeling more satisfied

Do you know anything about Biophilia? This is the term of love given to nature by humans. In other words, by taking steps to reduce your environmental footprint, you can feel good about positively impacting the planet and future generations. 

Tips to go green: How can I have a green lifestyle?

You can start your going green journey right away, and all you need are a few ideas to get inspired. Here are some examples of going green:

  1. Get rid of old clothes, but not throw them away! Recycle clothes, donate them, or reuse them.

  2. Using reusable bags instead of single-use plastic bags.

  3. Compost at home while choosing compostable and biodegradable trash bags. 

  4. Switch to a low-carbon or electric vehicle to reduce emissions.

  5. Use navigation apps to find less-traffic routes and avoid extra energy consumption.

  6. Make sure your daily water consumption is rational. 

  7. If possible, install solar panels to generate renewable energy.

  8. Buy organic, ear organic, and support organic!

  9. Support clean-plans in every field (clean day, clean energy, etc.)

  10. Use more bicycles! 

  11. Using public transportation or walking instead of driving alone.

  12. Recycling paper, plastic, glass, and metal.

  13. Use and support sustainable products.

  14. Planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide and improve air quality.

  15. Switching to energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances.

  16. Upcycling old items when possible instead of throwing them away.

  17. Using a rain barrel to collect and reuse rainwater for gardening.

Please remember that even small actions can make a huge impact on the environment. Never say, what if I don’t do them? And don’t get it hard on yourself. If you are not ready to add multiple green tips in your living, add the easiest first, and then, gradually, you will truly go green! 

The challenges of going green

In some cases, you may find going green a challenging way. However, it is worth it. On this road, you may face these challenges:

  1. Cost: Many eco-friendly products and services can be more expensive than their non-green counterparts, making switching difficult for some people.

  2. Lack of availability: In some areas, finding eco-friendly products or services may be difficult, making it challenging for individuals to make sustainable choices.

  3. Convenience: Some green choices, such as using public transportation or biking instead of driving, may be less convenient, require more planning and effort, or might be time taking.

  4. Lack of education: Not everyone is aware of their action's impact on the environment, or they may not know how to make sustainable choices. It is probably a great idea to start educating school kids about sustainability. 

  5. Limited options: In some areas, there are limited options for going green. As an example, renewable energy sources are not available in all neighborhoods.

  6. Personal resistance: Old habits die hard! Some people may resist change and prefer to stick with their current habits, even if they are not environmentally friendly.

Why is the world going green?

Fortunately, the world is going green at a faster pace than before, and this is a result of acknowledging people. Increasing awareness of the negative impact of human activities on the environment leads more individuals to follow a green lifestyle. People recognize the need to reduce their carbon footprint and protect the planet for future generations. 

Additionally, there is a growing demand for sustainable products and services. Many businesses realize the benefits of adopting eco-friendly practices, such as cost savings and improved brand reputation. 

Governments are also taking steps to promote sustainability, such as implementing regulations and incentives for renewable energy sources. Overall, the shift towards a greener world is driven by a combination of environmental concerns, economic incentives, and social pressure.

renewable energy sources

How is going green sustainable?

At first, when doing some small and simple steps of going green, you may not notice the sustainability. However, your everyday routine will change into a sustainable lifestyle in the long term! 

Since going green means start choosing eco-friendly products and services and following trends that reduce the environmental impact. It is a sustainable behavior when it turns into your habit. 

Greenify your lifestyle!

It is crucial to be aware of the importance of reducing our carbon footprint, both for the current and the future of our mother earth. This is the right time to start going green while suggesting others do so! Believe it or not, if we don’t start it today, the next generation will struggle everyday. 

Maryam Vahidi

Content creator and web editor


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