Apartment Gardening Hacks for Busy Urban Dwellers

urban gardening as a fun activity

Ever dreamed of transforming your urban dwelling into a lush green haven, but find yourself stumped by the constraints of a busy lifestyle?

The hustle and bustle of city living often leaves little room, both literally and figuratively, for cultivating a garden oasis within the confines of an apartment.

What if we told you that a thriving apartment garden is not only possible but can also be achieved with a few clever hacks tailored for the urban dweller on the go?

Table of contents:

Benefits of apartment gardening

Apartment gardening, also known as urban gardening or container gardening is a big step for sustainable living. It offers numerous benefits including:

  • Access to Fresh and Nutritious Food: Apartment gardening allows you to grow your own healthy and pesticide-free produce, herbs, and small fruits.

  • Utilization of Limited Space: Gardening in an apartment helps you make the most of limited outdoor spaces by utilizing containers, vertical gardening systems, and window boxes.

  • Enhances Indoor Air Quality: Plants in apartments improve indoor air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, reducing pollutants and toxins.

  • Stress Relief and Improved Well-being: Apartment gardening provides a therapeutic and relaxing activity that can reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

  • Connection with Nature: Gardening in apartment helps establish a connection with nature and promotes appreciation for the environment.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Apartment gardening adds beauty and vibrancy to your living space, enhancing its visual appeal.

  • Environmental Consciousness: You can have a more sustainable lifestyle by reducing transportation and packaging associated with store-bought produce. Otherwise, eco-friendly food packaging is recommended. 

  • Cost Savings: Apartment gardening can help save money on groceries by growing your herbs, vegetables, and fruits. 

How to evaluate apartment space for gardening possibilities?

A couple holding pots for their apartment

There are several factors to consider when evaluating apartment space for gardening. For those people who love cottage core but live in an apartment, gardening is the best choice. Here's a step-by-step guide to having a green and beautiful apartment:

  • Assess Available Space: Take a look at your balcony, patio, rooftop, windowsills, or any other potential areas where you can place plants. 

  • Determine Sunlight Conditions: Most plants require at least 6 hours of sunlight, so identify the spots that receive the most sun. 

  • Consider Climate and Temperature: Be aware of any extreme temperature fluctuations, drafts, or heating/cooling vents that could affect plant growth.

  • Evaluate Air Circulation: Good air circulation helps prevent stagnant air and reduces the risk of diseases or pests. 

  • Check Water Accessibility: Assess if you have access to a hose, outdoor faucet, or water spigot on your balcony or rooftop. 

  • Consider Indoor Gardening: If outdoor space is limited or not suitable for gardening, consider indoor gardening options. Evaluate the available indoor space like windowsills.

  • Plan Plant Selection: Consider the growth habits, water requirements, and space requirements of different plants to ensure they will thrive in your apartment environment.

What are suitable plants for my apartment garden?

Choosing suitable plants for your apartment garden depends on factors such as light conditions, available space, and your personal preferences. Read on to get to know the diverse list of plants that generally thrive indoors and are well-suited for apartment gardening. 

1- Indoor or Outdoor Plants That Is the Question!

choose the right indoor and outdoor plants

Choose Indoor plants because they offer the convenience of being able to grow greenery year-round, regardless of the weather outside. They can thrive in various light conditions and add a touch of nature to your indoor spaces. 

Choose Outdoor plants If you have access to a balcony, patio, or rooftop, provide the opportunity to grow larger plants, vegetables, or even small fruit trees. Outdoor gardening allows you to take advantage of natural sunlight and the fresher air, creating a mini oasis in your apartment's exterior. 

Note: You can even mix both options to enjoy the benefits of both indoor and outdoor gardening in your apartment.

2- Grow Your Own Food

grow your food

Can you believe it`s possible to grow your own food in your apartment? It is one of the self-care ideas to have a healthy life. Do you want to know how? Here are some suitable options that you can grow easily:

  • Herbs like basil, parsley, cilantro, mint, and rosemary 

  • Leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, arugula, and kale 

  • Tomatoes

  • Peppers

  • Microgreens

  • bean varieties, such as bush beans or dwarf varieties

  • Strawberries

  • Radishes

  • Heirloom Carrots

  • Scallions or green onions

Note: If you want to grow an edible plant for the first time, you can use ready-made kits. These kits are very easy to work with and you can even use them to introduce your children to nature.

3. Bring Color With Flowers

colorful flowers

Select a kaleidoscope of flowering plants, such as petunias, marigolds, and geraniums, each petal a stroke of nature's paintbrush. Position them strategically on windowsills, hanging baskets, or decorative pots to catch the sunlight's tender embrace.

With every bloom, you paint a masterpiece of joy and tranquility, bringing the outside world's vibrant hues into the heart of your cherished indoor sanctuary.

A Few Suggestions to Get You Started

Now, I have a few suggestions for you to get started with apartment gardening:

Indoor Plants

  1. Pothos: Thrives in various light conditions.

  2. Snake Plant: Tolerates low light and helps improve indoor air quality.

  3. Spider Plant: With attractive foliage that adapts to different light conditions.

  4. Aloe Vera: Known for its medicinal properties, requiring bright indirect light.

Outdoor Balcony/Patio Plants

  • Herbs: Basil, mint, parsley, and rosemary are easy to grow in containers with ample sunlight.

  • Tomatoes: Compact or cherry tomato varieties can be grown in containers with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight.

  • Salad Greens: Lettuce, spinach, and arugula can thrive in containers with partial sunlight.

  • Dwarf Fruit Trees: Consider dwarf citrus trees or fig trees for larger containers with full sunlight.

Edible Plants for Small Spaces

  • Microgreens: Nutrient-rich and quick-growing greens that can be grown indoors on a windowsill.

  • Strawberries: Compact strawberry varieties can be grown in hanging baskets or small containers on a sunny balcony.

  • Scallions: Easy-to-grow green onions that can be cultivated in small pots or containers indoors or outdoors.

  • Radishes: Fast-growing root vegetables that can be grown in small containers indoors or outdoors.

Essential Tools and Supplies for Apartment Gardening

tools for apartment gardening

Apartment gardening can be a rewarding endeavor, and having the right tools and supplies ensures a smooth and enjoyable gardening experience. Here's a list of essential items for apartment gardening:

  • Containers with drainage holes in various sizes 

  • Potting mix with appropriate nutrients 

  • Watering Can or Hose

  • A watering can with a narrow spout 

  • Pruning Shears

  • Gardening Gloves

  • Trowel

  • Plant Labels or markers 

  • Indoor-Friendly Fertilizer

  • A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer 

  • Mister or Spray Bottle

  • Compact LED Grow Lights for apartments with limited natural light

  • Saucers or Trays

  • Plant Dolly or Mover

  • Soil Moisture Meter

  • Mini Garden Tool Set that includes small rakes, shovels, and other essentials 

  • Pest Control Supplies

  • Compact Folding Table or Workbench

  • Storage containers or shelving 

  • Decorative Element

  • indoor compost bin

Caring for Your Apartment Garden: Watering, Fertilizing, and Pest Control

Maintaining a flourishing apartment garden requires thoughtful care, especially when it comes to watering, fertilizing, and pest control. Here are essential tips for each aspect:


Watering plants in the apartment

Establish a consistent watering schedule. Start by checking the moisture level in the soil before watering—stick your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle; if it feels dry, it's time to water.

Use a watering can with a narrow spout to deliver water directly to the base of the plants, allowing it to penetrate the soil deeply. Ensure that the pots have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, and use saucers or trays underneath to catch excess water. Water thoroughly but avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.


Choose a water-soluble, indoor plant fertilizer and follow the recommended dilution instructions. During the growing season, typically spring and summer, fertilize your plants every two to four weeks. Ensure the soil is moist before application to prevent any risk of root burn.

Apply the fertilizer evenly to the soil, avoiding direct contact with the plant's leaves, and water thoroughly afterward. In the dormant season, reduce the frequency of fertilization, as many plants require less nutrient input during this time.

Regularly monitor your plants for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, adjusting your fertilizing routine accordingly to maintain healthy and vibrant growth.

Pest Control 

controlling apartment plants

Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests such as discolored leaves, webs, or insect activity. If pests are detected, isolate the affected plants to prevent the infestation from spreading.

Utilize natural remedies like neem oil or insecticidal soap, which are effective against common indoor pests and less harmful to plants. Apply the treatment according to the product instructions, and reapply as needed.

For a preventive approach, encourage beneficial insects like ladybugs or predatory mites, which can help control pests in an eco-friendly manner.

Additional Care Tips

  • Rotate your plants occasionally to ensure all sides receive adequate sunlight.

  • Use a soft cloth or gently spray leaves with water to maintain their ability to absorb sunlight.

  • If you're growing plants that prefer higher humidity, consider using a humidity tray or a small humidifier.

Common challenges faced when gardening in an apartment

Gardening in an apartment presents several challenges, primarily stemming from limited space and environmental constraints. Here are the main challenges when gardening in an apartment:

  • Limited Space

  • Light Limitations

  • Temperature Fluctuations

  • Apartment Rules and Regulations

  • Container Size and Weight

  • Humidity Levels

  • Pest Management

  • Watering Constraints

  • Limited Plant Variety

  • Maintenance Challenges

Final Tips and Tricks to Have A Magnificent Garden

To create a magnificent garden, blend passion with strategic care. Optimize your limited space through vertical gardening and choose low-maintenance, visually appealing plants.

Place them strategically based on their light and temperature requirements. Regularly prune and groom your plants, fostering a lush and well-maintained environment. Rotate plants for even growth, water mindfully, and implement a balanced fertilizing routine.

Swiftly address pest issues with natural remedies, and personalize your garden with creative container choices and decorative elements. Learn from your gardening experience, adjusting care based on plant responses.

By infusing your unique style into your green sanctuary, you'll cultivate a magnificent indoor garden that brings joy, beauty, and a sense of tranquility to your living space.

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Golnaz Sami

My name is Golnaz. I'm a fashion designer and a nature lover. I believe that fashion should be sustainable and have no impact on nature.

I'm always looking for new ways to help the environment and create a better future for all of us. That`s why I write.


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