What is cactus leather? Everything you need to know about sustainable leather

Environmental issues lead us to seek a sustainable way of everything, and recently, due to the high demand of people, a diversity of fabric materials has been manufactured worldwide. Cactus leather is one of the plant-based replacements in the leather category. In this article, we will review cactus leather's meaning, its production process, and its pros and cons. You can also have a quick comparison between cactus leather and other alternatives. And finally, we will answer your most important question, whether cactus leather is sustainable and biodegradable or not.

Cactus leather

What is cactus leather?

Since cactus is a strong and resilient plant that can bear extreme conditions, it is a perfect choice to manufacture a strong fabric. Cactus leather, also known as vegan leather, is a durable leather alternative made of Nopal cactus or prickly pear cactus plant and can be used to produce wallets and purses, shoes, furniture, etc. Worth to know that recently, car manufacturers started to use cactus leather in the interior designs of brand-new vehicles. 

Cactus leather is a strong fabric

How is cactus leather manufactured?

As the product is a plant-based material, everything starts with growing the plant. Cactus leather is manufactured from the Nopal cactus plant, which doesn’t require herbicides, pesticides, or irrigation. The plants grow naturally with earth minerals and rainwater and last for at least 8 years and at most 20 years. Of course, if the plant is grown for industrial purposes, the lifespan would be closer to the minimum. 

Once the mature cactus leaves are visible on the plant, they can be cut (without cutting the whole plant) to be cleaned and chopped. Every 6 to 8 months, new mature leaves are ready to be harvested. 

When the leaves are chopped clearly, they are left under sun heat for almost 3 days to complete the drying process without consuming extra energy. If the climate is humid, the drying process can last up to 5 days. 

In the next step, bio-resin must be ready to mix with dyes and non-toxic chemicals. The bio-resin comes from extracted protein and fibers from the dried chops. While no extra chemicals are added, and the process is completely environmentally friendly, the processed bio-resin is developed into cactus leather, a luxurious and eco-friendly alternative to leather, offering water-proof features and a pleasant appearance. 

Cactus leather vs. real leather

Real leather requires a long process to be manufactured. In this process, toxins are used for tanning the leather and can harm the earth and animals. However, the final product is made of a renewable resource, so it is not harming the environment from this point of view. Caring for real leather is also more troublous, making it less durable. 

Cactus leather, on the other hand, is truly eco-friendly as the plant is raised naturally while absorbing carbon in the environment, which benefits the earth. The final product is also more durable and doesn’t require many caring tips since no toxic chemical is added to the material. 

Pros and cons of cactus leather

You might wonder if this organic and eco-friendly has other advantages or not. Or even, are there any disadvantages of this vegan leather? Well, we have to admit yes, but it is controllable. 

Cactus leather has pros and cons

Advantages of Cactus leather

  1. Durable and can last 10 years or more

  2. The color doesn’t fade over time

  3. Cruelty-free and 100% vegan  

  4. Breathable and soft 

  5. Eco-friendly and sustainable

  6. Absorbs carbon emissions

  7. The manufacturing process is done with non-toxic chemicals

Disadvantages of Cactus leather

  1. If it is mixed with synthetic materials, it becomes non-biodegradable

  2. It is more expensive than animal leather 

Is Cactus leather sustainable or not? Biodegradable or not?

The plant-based materials are supposed to be biodegradable and sustainable, however, in the manufacturing process, some toxic or non-biodegradable chemicals might be added that ruin this purpose. Fortunately, cactus leather is sustainable and biodegradable due to having non-toxic chemicals controlled carefully. 

Please make sure, when you’re buying a cactus leather product, the material is not combined with plastic or any other synthetic and artificial materials. 

One more factor to trust sustainability is the growing process. Cactus is grown in natural habitats with rainwater and absorbs 8,100 tons of CO2 per year! This means the growing process is completely eco-friendly. 

How to care for Cactus leather?

  1. Avoid using acetone or similar resolvents to clean the product

  2. Always keep cactus leather clean with a soft cloth. You can add a few drops of shampoo to the cloth to clean the leather if it is dirty. 

  3. Don’t put hot items on the cactus leather, and avoid washing it.

  4. Always let the material have some fresh air, don’t lock it in small closets.

  5. Never let alcohol or other harsh cleaning materials stay on the cactus leather. 

What is the future of cactus leather?

Since cactus itself doesn’t require much water to grow and its habitat is available in most countries, it is rational to grow the plant for industrial purposes. On the other hand, the cactus plant helps carbon emissions, which is a big problem nowadays. Consequently, as a manufactured product from the cactus plant, cactus leather means increasing the growing plants, which has 2 main environmental benefits. Therefore, the future of this product looks bright!


Is cactus leather cheaper?

When talking about leather, we are talking about a luxurious material, and when it comes to a plant-based one, which is a rare option at the moment, it makes it a bit more expensive. So, real leather is cheaper. 

Is cactus leather real leather?

There is no difference in the appearance of the cactus leather and the real one, however, behind the scene, when you use it, you figure out it is breathable with more durable textile. 

Does cactus leather last?

It is estimated that cactus leather is strong enough to last more than 10 years, if you follow the caring tips. 

Is cactus leather better than leather?

Well, if we are comparing sustainability, less water and energy consumption in production, and cruelty-free and non-toxic material with a product that has none of these conditions, definitely cactus leather is better. It is worth mentioning that the strength of cactus leather is of good quality.  

Is cactus leather sustainable?

Yes, it is! And beside sustainability, it is cruelty-free, non-toxic, and requires less water and energy to be produced. 

Maryam Vahidi

Content creator and web editor


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