How to clean a mirror? | Eco-friendly methods to keep your reflection sparkling

cleaning a foggy mirror in a short time

Have you ever stood in front of a mirror, only to be greeted by streaks, stains on it, and a less-than-sparkling reflection? We've all been there. But what if we told you that achieving a crystal-clear mirror doesn't have to come at the cost of our precious environment? In this blog post, we will unveil eco-friendly methods that will not only help you clean a foggy mirror but also keep your conscience clear. 

Table of contents: 

Best Natural Ingredients for Sparkling Windows and Mirrors

DIY All-Natural Glass and Mirror Cleaner

A Step-by-Step Guide for a Spotless Mirror

Steer Clear of These Detrimental Chemicals for Sparkling Results

Effective Tips to Prevent Mirror Fogging

Best Natural Ingredients for Sparkling Windows and Mirrors

Natural ingredients for cleaning mirrors

When it comes to achieving sparkling windows and mirrors, nature has provided us with a treasure trove of natural ingredients that are effective and gentle on both the surfaces and the environment.

These days, more environmentalists are interested in knowing how to clean grout on tile floors or their homes in a sustainable way. So, here are some of the best natural ingredients you can harness to achieve that crystal-clear shine without harming the earth:

  1. Vinegar: Known for its acidic properties, vinegar is a powerful natural cleaner that cuts through grime and leaves no streaks behind. 

  2. Lemon Juice: The natural acidity of lemon juice makes it an excellent ingredient for tackling stubborn stains and smudges. Mix fresh lemon juice with water, or even combine it with vinegar.

  3. Baking Soda: Create a paste by mixing baking soda with water and apply it to the surface of your foggy mirror. Gently scrub using a soft cloth or ecofriendly sponge, and watch as the baking soda lifts away dirt and grime. Also, Baking soda is a perfect way for people who need to learn how to clean the washing machine.

  4. Rubbing Alcohol: Dilute rubbing alcohol with water, and use it to remove fingerprints, grease, and other stubborn marks from your mirrors.

  5. Microfiber Cloth: These ultra-soft and lint-free cloths are designed to trap dirt and dust, leaving your mirrors streak-free and sparkling.

DIY All-Natural Glass and Mirror Cleaner

If you care about sustainability and the environment, you may be tired of using commercial glass cleaners filled with harsh chemicals. So, we have good news for you. You can make your eco-friendly mirror cleaner right now! 

1- Vinegar-Based Glass and Mirror Cleaner

Vinegar-Based Glass and Mirror Cleaner

The acidity of vinegar helps dissolve grease, grime, and smudges, leaving your glass surfaces gleaming and streak-free.


  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar

  • 1 cup water

  • Optional: a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent (e.g., lemon, lavender)


  1. Mix the distilled white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

  2. Add a few drops of your preferred essential oil if desired.

  3. Shake the bottle gently to combine the ingredients.

  4. Spray the solution onto the glass or foggy mirror surface.

  5. Wipe the surface using a lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth in a circular motion.

  6. For stubborn spots, let the solution sit for a few minutes before wiping.

2- Dish Soap Glass and Mirror Cleaner

The dish soap effectively cuts through greasy residues, fingerprints, and smudges, leaving your mirrors and glass shining brightly.


  • 1 cup water

  • 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap (preferably a mild, eco-friendly option)

  • Optional: a few drops of essential oil for fragrance


  1. Mix the water and liquid dish soap in a spray bottle.

  2. Add a few drops of essential oil if desired.

  3. Gently shake the bottle to blend the ingredients.

  4. Spray the solution onto the glass or foggy mirror surface.

  5. Wipe the surface using a lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth, ensuring even coverage.

  6. Rinse the cloth if necessary and continue wiping until the surface is clean and streak-free.

By choosing these DIY all-natural alternatives, you not only protect your health from exposure to harmful chemicals but also contribute to a cleaner and greener environment. So, say goodbye to commercial glass cleaners and give these simple and effective vinegar or dish soap-based recipes a try. 

A Step-by-Step Guide for a Spotless Mirror

If you want to clean a stain on your mirror and enjoy a spotless mirror that reflects a clear and crisp image, follow the steps below:

  1. Gather Your Supplies: Collect the necessary supplies before you begin. You will need Microfiber cloth or lint-free cloth, filtered water, your homemade mirror cleaner, or maybe a spray bottle. 

  2. Dust the Mirror: Using a microfiber cloth, gently remove any dust or loose particles from the mirror's surface. This step helps prevent scratches during the cleaning process.

  3. Prepare the Cleaning Solution: Ensure the cleaner is suitable for mirrors and does not contain ammonia, which can damage the mirror's coating. You can use DIY or natural ingredients mentioned before. 

  4. Spray the Cleaning Solution: Spray a small amount of the cleaning solution directly onto the mirror's surface. Be careful not to oversaturate it, as excess moisture can lead to streaks.

  5. Wipe in a Zigzag Motion: Begin from the top corner and move horizontally or vertically across the mirror. This technique helps ensure thorough coverage and prevents missing any spots.

  6. Focus on Streaks and Smudges: Pay extra attention to streaks or smudges that may be present after the initial wipe. If needed, focus on those areas until they are clean and streak-free.

  7. Dry and Polish: Once you've cleaned the entire surface, use a dry section of the cloth to remove any remaining moisture. Gently buff the foggy mirror in circular motions to achieve a polished shine.

  8. Inspect and Touch Up if Necessary: Step back and inspect for any remaining streaks, spots, or stains on the mirror. If you notice any, repeat the cleaning process on those specific areas until the mirror is completely spotless.

  9. Maintain Regular Cleaning To keep your mirror spotless, establish a regular cleaning routine. Wipe away fingerprints and smudges as they occur, and perform a more thorough cleaning on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Steer Clear of These Detrimental Chemicals for Sparkling Results

When we want to clean stained toilets or mirrors, it's important to steer clear of certain chemicals that can have detrimental effects on the mirror's surface and overall appearance, such as: 

  • Ammonia: Ammonia is a commonly used cleaning agent and can cause the tint to chip, discolor, become hazy, or even peel off completely. 

  • Bleach: While bleach is often used as a cleaning agent, it is not recommended for cleaning mirrors. Over time, bleach can leave streaks on the mirror's surface and make it look dull. 

  • Alkaline Cleaners: These cleaners often contain potent bases such as potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide, which can damage the mirror's surface, edges, and back. 

  • WD-40: WD-40 is primarily a lubricant and not intended for cleaning purposes. It may leave residues on the mirror's surface and can be challenging to remove, resulting in a hazy appearance.

  • Abrasive Cleaners: These can scratch the mirror's surface and leave behind visible marks or a hazy appearance. Opt for gentle cleaning methods to avoid any damage.

  • Harsh Solvents: Harsh solvents like acetone, paint thinner, or mineral spirits should be avoided when cleaning mirrors. These solvents can dissolve or damage the protective coating on the mirror's surface.

  • Harsh Disinfectants: Certain disinfectants that contain strong chemicals like quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) or chlorine bleach should be avoided on mirrors. 

You should be aware of sustainable cleaning methods. So, if you don`t know how to wash thrifted clothes or other things, try to learn more about it. 

Effective Tips to Prevent Mirror Fogging

Preventing foggy mirrors

Preventing foggy mirrors can be a useful technique to maintain clear and functional mirrors, especially in environments with high humidity or temperature changes. Here are some effective tips to prevent mirror fogging:

  • Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in the area where the mirror is located. Good airflow helps to reduce humidity levels and prevents condensation from forming on the mirror's surface. Open windows, use exhaust fans or install a dehumidifier to improve air circulation.

  • Anti-Fog Sprays or Solutions: These products create a thin, invisible layer on the mirror's surface that helps to prevent fogging. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for the best results.

  • Shaving Cream or Soap: Another DIY solution is to apply a thin layer of shaving cream or liquid soap on the mirror's surface and then wipe it off gently with a clean, dry cloth. This can create a temporary barrier that prevents fogging.

  • Hairdryer: Use a hairdryer in a low heat setting to warm up the mirror's surface before taking a shower or bath. The warm air helps to prevent the formation of condensation on the mirror.

  • Defogging Pad or Cloth: These products contain a special coating that helps to minimize fogging. Simply wipe the mirror's surface with the pad or cloth before showering or bathing.

  • Temperature Regulation: Keep the temperature in the room consistent to minimize temperature differences between the air and the mirror's surface. This can help reduce the likelihood of condensation forming on the mirror.

  • Avoid Hot Water Splashes: Try to prevent hot water from splashing directly onto the mirror when showering or bathing. 


Keeping your mirrors clean and sparkling doesn't have to involve harsh chemicals or harm the environment. By embracing eco-friendly cleaning methods, you can maintain the clarity and beauty of your mirrors while minimizing your ecological footprint. From using natural solutions like vinegar, lemon juice, or isopropyl alcohol to avoiding detrimental chemicals such as ammonia or bleach, there are plenty of sustainable alternatives available. 


1- Is Water Alone Sufficient for Cleaning Mirrors?

No, water alone may not effectively clean mirrors as it may leave streaks or not remove certain types of stains. A glass cleaner or vinegar solution is often recommended for better results.

2- Are microfiber cloths eco-friendly?

Yes, microfiber cloths are generally considered eco-friendly because they can be reused multiple times, reducing the need for traditional cleaning cloths, and they require less water and cleaning agents during use. However, it's important to note that microfiber cloths are not without potential drawbacks. Microfibers are tiny plastic fibers, and when washed, they can shed microplastics that may enter waterways and harm aquatic life.

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Golnaz Sami

My name is Golnaz. I'm a fashion designer and a nature lover. I believe that fashion should be sustainable and have no impact on nature.

I'm always looking for new ways to help the environment and create a better future for all of us. That`s why I write.


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