Organic skincare routines: tips to maximize skin health

Are you ready to refresh your skin after a hard day? Or maybe you only have once-a-week time to do a skincare routine! No worries if you do it correctly with organic products. We are here to help you have an organic skincare routine and follow some tips to have a perfectly healthy program and refresh your skin. 

refresh skin with organic products

What is a skincare routine?

If you are doing your best to have perfect skin but it never happened, it is not related to DNA and genetic metrics. You must have a good skincare routine suitable for your skin type. Every regular action in a day, a week, or a month, you follow to care for your skin is called a skincare routine, and the products and steps you have in this routine can result in shining skin or unhealthy skin full of acne. 

skin care routine

It is important to know your skin type, follow the best routine for your skin and use compatible products. Don’t forget that not always expensive products are of high quality. Sometimes implementing simple steps in your routine can enhance effectiveness. For example, massaging the products properly could be more important than using an expensive product. 

Main steps of a skincare routine

Generally, every skincare routine has 3 main steps, and other steps, such as more massaging, can be added if you wish. It all depends on your personal self-care ideas.

  1. Cleansing: Washing the face and the skin properly to remove any extra product on your skin. This is more important when you are following your routine after having make-up. 

  2. Toning: Balancing the skin of oil and extra pollution. Note that only washing your skin doesn’t clean it properly, and you may need toning products to make sure your skin is in a balanced condition, ready for moisturizing. 

  3. Moisturizing: Hydrating and softening the skin with products including moisturizers, eye creams, night or day creams, natural oils, and sunscreen (if needed). 

Following these steps, you already have skincare, however, it might not be the best skincare routine! There are two main factors making skincare, best routine for you:

  • Give it time and wait to see the results

  • Have organic skincare

The first one is clear. When you start a routine, not immediately, the results are shown. At least, you have to wait a period (could be a week or a month) before results start to show up. If it doesn’t work for you, the routine is probably inappropriate. Using organic materials is another crucial factor. But what does it mean?

What does organic skincare mean?

When you start using organic products, which means products with almost 95% organic ingredients, your skin will refresh well. Every product that is organic and is in your skincare routine helps you to have organic skincare. This will benefit your skin and nourish it not only very well but also positively affect the environment. 

organic skin care

Advantages of Organic skincare

  • No chemicals: As mentioned, organic skincare doesn’t include chemical ingredients, so no irritating, redness or allergic reactions result. Additionally, chemical ingredients are not a healthy choice overall, and organic skincare means a healthier choice that could have better effects. 

  • Filled with natural ingredients: Natural vitamins and minerals are the best nourishing for our bodies. Plant-based ingredients make the most of natural ingredients in organic skin care products. 

  • Better for the environment: Among all benefits, organic skincare products' sustainability and eco-friendliness are one of the most important advantages of organic skincare products. Natural makeup and skincare routine are better to be done with environmentally-friendly materials. 

  • Gentle texture: There are many products without a soft and light texture; consequently, they are not gentle on the skin. That’s why absorbent is decreased, and you may not get the result you were looking for. But this issue is solved in organic skincare due to natural ingredients and a good mixture. 

  • Sustainable and Biodegradable: This is one of the other environmental benefits of organic skincare. The sustainability and biodegradability of organic skincare help it last for a short time in the environment and recycle quicker.

What makes a skin care product organic?

To have an organic skincare product, there must be some factors followed. So, if you are thinking of buying organic skincare, or you’re willing to produce such a thing, please make sure it includes plant-based derived ingredients. These could be:

  1. Plant-based extracts

  2. Oils and butter from plants

  3. Resins

  4. Additional oils (if needed)

Besides these ingredients, there are some other factors to consider when buying or producing organic skincare. These are some licenses and proofs related to the product:

  1. The product is recyclable and sustainable.

  2. It doesn’t hurt air and soil quality in the production.

  3. It conserves biodiversity.

  4. The synthetics are not used, or their usage is minimized (less than 5%).

tips to have a skincare routine

Tips to have a healthy skincare routine

First and foremost, having an organic skincare routine means having a healthy skincare routine. However, you may need to know some extra tips to make the most of your routine and get the result within a short period. 

1.Use protection products

Sunscreen and every other protection product keeping you safe from sun rays or other harmful lights is a must in every routine. 

2.Say Goodbye to smoking and alcohol

Smoking and alcohol have a direct effect on skin spots and acne. If you are having perfect skin care but still smoke or drink alcohol often, the routine may not be effective. 

3.Have a healthy diet

Fill your diet with more vegetables and fruits and avoid eating fatty meals. Fast-food and unhealthy snacks are better to be minimized as well.

4.Be kind to your skin

Please be kind to your skin! Avoid having too hot baths, strong soap and brushes, shave carefully with a clean razor, and stop suffocating your skin by using the wrong products. Make sure you are using the correct product for your skin type, and always moisturize it when it gets dry.

5.Forget stress

Stress is one of the biggest enemies of almost every problem, and skin issues are not excluded. Relax and have a meditation routine to have better skin. 

Refresh with Organic skincare 

It is time to have organic skin care in your daily or weekly routines to refresh your skin. Following the tips mentioned in this article, we hope you have a quality experience and an organic skincare routine. Please let us know in the comment section if you have any suggestions or experience implementing these tips. 


What does a skincare routine mean? 

Caring for your skin by following a routine, using different products, nourishing your skin, and massaging it to absorb the products better is called a skincare routine. 

What is organic skincare?

Having organic products in your skincare routine would lead to organic skincare that helps to have better results, affecting the environment as well.  

What are the steps of skincare?

Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing are the main three skincare routine steps. However, other steps could be added, such as having a mask, massaging, etc. 

Is organic skincare really better?

Your skin type directly impacts the productivity of a skincare routine. Of course, organic skincare can help you have a better and faster result, but in some cases, people may not experience a better result than normal skincare. 

What is the difference between natural and organic skincare?

In natural products, you may find chemical ingredients as well. This is while in organic skin care products, 95% of the ingredients are organic without harmful chemicals. 

Maryam Vahidi

Content creator and web editor


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