DIY Toners: Your Passport to Sustainable, Radiant Skin

best DIY to make a toner at home

Table of Contents

Why Go DIY?

DIY Toner Recipes

Homemade Toner for Normal Skin

DIY Toner for Oily Skin

Best Toner for Dry Skin

Effective Toner for Sensitive Skin

DIY Toner for Aging Skin

Natural Toner for Acne scars

Homemade Toner for A Natural Glow

Toner for Stressed Skin

When and How to Use Toner for Optimal Results

Forget store-bought toners laden with chemicals and hidden nasties. The key to radiant, healthy skin lies in the power of plants and the magic of DIY.

Sustainable natural toners, made with simple ingredients you might already have in your kitchen, offer a potent blend of effectiveness and eco-consciousness. So, ditch the waste and embrace the glow – it's time to craft your own personalized toner!

Why Go DIY?

The benefits of DIY natural toners are numerous and they are an important part of a zero-waste makeup.

First and foremost, you control the ingredients. Ditch harsh chemicals, alcohol, and synthetic fragrances that can irritate your skin. Instead, embrace the gentle power of nature's finest offerings – soothing herbs, antioxidant-rich fruits, and hydrating floral waters. This translates to a healthier, happier complexion, free from unwanted reactions and potential long-term harm.

Secondly, sustainability is at the heart of DIY. By using what you have and opting for reusable containers, you minimize waste and reduce your environmental footprint. Imagine the joy of whipping up a toner from leftover green tea or using a recycled glass bottle to store your creation. It's a small step towards a greener beauty routine and every bit counts!

Finally, DIY toners offer endless customization. Whether your skin craves hydration, seeks to combat acne, or needs a boost of radiance, you can tailor your toner to your specific needs. Experiment with different ingredients, essential oils, and base liquids to create a unique blend that perfectly complements your skin's unique story.

Getting Started:

Ready to embark on your DIY toner journey? Here's what you need:

  • Base liquid: Distilled water is a classic choice, but you can also explore options like witch hazel (for oily skin), rosewater (for dry skin), or even green tea (for its antioxidant properties).

  • Hero ingredients: This is where the magic happens! Choose ingredients based on your skin concerns. For example, cucumber slices offer hydration, while apple cider vinegar helps with acne. Explore herbs like chamomile or lavender for soothing properties, or citrus fruits like lemon or grapefruit for a brightening effect.

  • Essential oils (optional): These add a touch of fragrance and potential benefits. However, proceed with caution as essential oils can be potent. Lavender is a universally safe option but always do a patch test before applying it to your face.

  • Reusable container: Opt for a glass spray bottle or dropper bottle to store your toner. Upcycle an old container or find one at your local thrift store.

DIY Toner Recipes

Now that you're equipped with the DIY toner basics, let's explore specific recipes tailored to your unique skin needs!

Just like our homemade body lotion, in the following, we will introduce recipes for all types of skins. Remember, these are just starting points – feel free to experiment and find the perfect blend for your complexion.

Homemade Toner for Normal Skin

  • Ingredients:

    • 1 cup rosewater (soothing and hydrating)

    • 1/2 cucumber, sliced (antioxidant and refreshing)

    • 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil (calming and balancing)

  • Instructions:

  1. Simmer the cucumber slices in rosewater for 10 minutes.

  2. Strain the mixture and let it cool completely.

  3. Add the essential oil and stir gently.

  4. Store in a clean glass container and use within a week.

DIY Toner for Oily Skin

  • Ingredients:

    • 1/2 cup witch hazel (astringent and oil-balancing)

    • 1/4 cup green tea, brewed and cooled (antioxidant and purifying)

    • 2 drops tea tree essential oil (antibacterial and antiseptic)

  • Instructions:

  1. Combine witch hazel and green tea in a clean glass container.

  2. Add the tea tree oil and shake well.

  3. Use a reusable cotton pad to apply to oily areas, avoiding the delicate eye area.

  4. Store in a cool, dark place and use within a week.

Best Toner for Dry Skin

  • Ingredients:

    • 1/2 cup chamomile tea, brewed and cooled (soothing)

    • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel (hydrating and nourishing)

    • 1 tablespoon honey (moisturizing and antibacterial)

  • Instructions:

  1. Combine chamomile tea, aloe vera gel, and honey in a clean glass container.

  2. Stir well until the honey dissolves.

  3. Apply to clean skin with a cotton pad or mist directly onto the face.

  4. Store in a cool, dark place and use within a week.

Effective Toner for Sensitive Skin

  • Ingredients:

    • 1 cup distilled water (gentle and hypoallergenic)

    • 1/4 cup calendula flowers (soothing and anti-inflammatory)

    • 2 tablespoons chamomile tea, brewed and cooled (calming and gentle)

  • Instructions:

  1. Steep the calendula flowers in hot distilled water for 10 minutes.

  2. Strain the mixture and combine it with cooled chamomile tea.

  3. Store in a clean glass container and use within a week. 

    Note: Avoid essential oils as they can be irritating to sensitive skin.

toner for sensitive skin

DIY Toner for Aging Skin

  • Ingredients:

    • 1 cup green tea, brewed and cooled (antioxidant and anti-aging)

    • 1 tablespoon rosehip oil (rich in vitamin C and promotes collagen production)

    • 2 drops frankincense essential oil (known for its anti-aging properties)

  • Instructions:

  1. Combine green tea and rosehip oil in a clean glass bottle.

  2. Add the frankincense essential oil and shake gently.

  3. Apply a few drops to a cotton pad and gently pat onto clean skin, avoiding the eye area.

  4. Store in a cool, dark place and use within a week. 

    Note: Do a patch test for the rosehip oil before applying it to your face.

    Note: You can read our article Glow From Within: Top Organic Anti-Aging Skincare Picks (2024) to learn more about anti-aging skin care products.

Natural Toner for Acne scars

  • Ingredients:

    • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar (antibacterial and clarifying)

    • 1/2 cup green tea, brewed and cooled (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory)

    • 2 drops tea tree essential oil (antibacterial and antiseptic)

  • Instructions:

  1. Combine apple cider vinegar and green tea in a clean glass container.

  2. Add the tea tree oil and shake well.

  3. Using a cotton pad, apply to affected areas only, avoiding the delicate eye area.

  4. Dilute with water if irritation occurs.

  5. Store in a cool, dark place and use within a week. 

    Note: Apple cider vinegar can be drying, so moisturize your skin after use.

Homemade Toner for A Natural Glow

  • Ingredients:

    • 1 cup lemon water (brightening and clarifying)

    • 1/4 cup cucumber, sliced (hydrating and refreshing)

    • 2 tablespoons rosewater (soothing and balancing)

  • Instructions:

  1. Steep the cucumber slices in lemon water for 10 minutes.

  2. Strain the mixture and combine it with rosewater in a clean glass container.

  3. Store in a cool, dark place and use within a week. 

    Note: Use diluted lemon water to avoid irritation, especially on sensitive skin, and you’d better use natural face moisturizer afterward. Consider substituting with grapefruit water for a gentler brightening effect.

Toner for Stressed Skin

  • Ingredients:

    • 1 cup lavender tea, brewed and cooled (calming and relaxing)

    • 1 tablespoon witch hazel (astringent and oil-balancing)

    • 2 drops chamomile essential oil (soothing and anti-inflammatory)

  • Instructions:

  1. Combine lavender tea and witch hazel in a clean glass container.

  2. Add the chamomile essential oil and shake well.

  3. Apply to clean skin with a cotton pad or mist directly onto the face.

  4. Store in a cool, dark place and use within a week.

DIY face toner

When and How to Use Toners for Optimal Results

Now that you've discovered the wonders of DIY natural toners, let's unlock their full potential with proper application. Here's a guide to help you reap the benefits and achieve optimal results:

The Perfect Timing:

  • Morning Magic: Begin your day with a refreshing toner to remove any residual sleep oils and prep your skin for serums and moisturizers. It also helps balance your skin's pH after cleansing.

  • Evening Glow: After cleansing, use toner to remove any lingering makeup residue and impurities. This ensures your nighttime skincare products penetrate deeper for maximum effectiveness.

  • Mask Magic: Consider using a toner after applying a clay mask. It helps remove any leftover residue and tighten pores for a smoother, clearer complexion.

  • Spot Treatment: For targeted concerns like breakouts or enlarged pores, use toner as a spot treatment to gently cleanse and refresh those areas.

Application Techniques:

  • Cotton Pad Classic: Soak a cotton pad in your toner and gently swipe it across your face and neck, avoiding the delicate eye area. You can also use two separate pads for your face and neck for hygiene.

  • Misting Marvel: Opt for a spray bottle and mist directly onto your face, holding it at a distance to avoid over-saturation. Gently pat your skin to absorb the toner.

  • Hand-Press Power: Pour a small amount of toner onto your palms and gently press it onto your face and neck. This method offers a more controlled application and minimizes waste.

Pro Tips:

  • Always listen to your skin: If your skin feels tight or irritated after using toner, dilute it with water or use it less frequently.

  • Follow the order: Apply toner after cleansing and before serums and moisturizers to maximize its effectiveness.

  • Store it right: Keep your DIY toner in a cool, dark place and use it within a week or two for optimal freshness.

  • Embrace the customization: Experiment with different ingredients and application techniques to find what works best for you.

By incorporating these tips into your routine, you'll unlock the full potential of your DIY natural toners and experience the joy of a healthy, radiant complexion. Remember, consistency and personalized care are key!

Last but not Least…

Ditch harsh chemicals and embrace the power of nature! Craft your own personalized DIY toner with simple ingredients. Tailor it to your skin's needs, nourish your complexion, and minimize waste.

Enjoy the satisfaction of creating your own beauty magic, revel in a healthy glow, and celebrate a sustainable approach to skincare. It's time to unleash your inner alchemist and unlock the secrets of DIY toners!

FAQs about DIY Toners

1. Is it suitable to use face toner on your body?

Generally, no. While some toners designed for specific body areas like the chest might be okay (e.g., for acne), it's best to consult a dermatologist before using face toner on your body. Face toners may be too harsh or contain ingredients unsuitable for delicate body areas.

2. Should you rinse off toner after applying it to your skin?

No! Most toners are meant to stay on your skin. They help balance your skin's pH and prep it for the next steps in your skincare routine. Rinsing them off would wash away their benefits. However, always check the specific instructions for your chosen toner, as some might be exceptions.

3. Are there any potential negative effects of using toners on your face?

While generally gentle, some potential downsides exist:

  • Irritation: Patch test any new ingredient before using it on your entire face, especially if you have sensitive skin.

  • Over-drying: Some toners can be astringent and drying. If your skin feels tight or uncomfortable after using toner, dilute it with water or use it less frequently.

Zeynab Rouhollahi

Content Management & SEO Specialist

A passionate content writer who is always eager to learn more in the widespread world of marketing and has a small role in educating others!


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Discover the Power of Natural Toners for Healthy and Radiant Skin